Friday, September 3, 2021, beginning at noon with Artist Reception 5:30-8:30pm.
Santori Aurora Public Library
101 S. River Street, Aurora, IL
The show was open to the public this year and continued through Saturday September 4, 4pm, during regular library hours. There was live music provided at the Artist Reception by John Papdolius.

This year’s judge was Jessica Ritchie, a very experienced art teacher from West Aurora School District 129. This is what she had to say about the winning pieces of artwork:
Best in Show: Eloise, pastel by Susan Fichtel. Details and sharpness incredible while remaining soft and realistic – clearly adores this person.
Best Digital: Mysterious Orchid, Photographic print by Richard Capps. Blackest blacks and white whites; hyper focus and interesting composition. The details of the flower are accentuated with the push of lights and darks.
1st Place: Pylotte, colored pencil by Eva Balek. Detail draws you in while colors and foreshadowing of the hand keep you moving around the composition; incredible detail.
1st Place: Night Storm, watercolor by Kendra Nohl. Lovely colors blending without becoming muddy. Brightness of yellow-orange sky pops against the blue/purple.
1st Place: In Retrospect, colored pencil by Mary Lenert. Incredible atmospheric perspective while maintaining contract of sharp/soft edges. Realistic colors yet softened; beautiful composition.
2nd Place: Irreparable Divide, clay monoprint by Mary Shoemaker. Subtle composition while maintaining details to draw you into the piece. Subtle colors work well together.
2nd Place: Washed Ashore, colored pencil by Joy Wheeler. Incredibly detailed photo-realistic while remaining soft. Slight colors pull you in to look closely at the small details.
2nd Place: Old Acquaintances, oil and cold wax by Ann Eifler. Stunning soft application of the wax and oil. Beautifully balanced compositions pulls you in to see the blues and greens that are grayed out but still vibrant.
3rd Place: Arizona 1961, acrylic by Rick Aurora. Bold composition and color grabs attention. Super contrast! Interesting perspective on car and fun brushwork.
3rd Place: Ancestors, oil by Kathy Millen. Buttery texture of the paint. Rich colors – soft and smooth texture mimic the seriousness of the composition and the subject matter.
3rd Place: Sunrise Sunset, oil by Bonnie Vargas. Lovely brightness of the sun as if you are actually looking – you want to look away not to hurt eyes. Texture helps make the clouds come to life. Reflection of sun is convincing while painterly.